Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles & Divine Intervention 101 Stories of Faith and Hope

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Còn hàng: 2 sản phẩm
Phương Nam Online
Từ nhà sách đầu tiên năm 1982, Nhà Sách Phương Nam đã trở thành hệ thống nhà sách uy t...

These true stories of breathtaking coincidences, answered prayers, healing, angels, and messages from heaven will deepen your faith and strengthen your hope.

Miracles, divine intervention, amazing coincidences—these unexplainable but welcome surprises occur every day for people from all walks of life. You’ll be inspired, awed and comforted by these 101 stories from ordinary people who’ve had extraordinary experiences, including:

  • Elizabeth, who took her son to see Santa, and was shocked when he recognized her and burst into tears, explaining he was her long-lost father. He’d been looking for her since she was seven years old.
  • Bill, a paramedic comforted by his elderly patient when the ambulance they were in was totaled. Hours after their rescue he checked on her status and learned she’d died on impact. She couldn’t have talked to him while they awaited rescuers.
  • Crystal, who tried to reach the date who ghosted her, but typed one wrong letter in the e-mail address and reached a stranger in Australia. Twelve years later that man moved to the U.S. and became her husband.
  • Kat, who tragically lost her son Nick and gave his treasured LEGOs to a boy in their town. He used the LEGOs to create items that had special meaning for Kat’s family, saying Nick urged him to build each one.
  • Candy, who lost the diamond in her mother’s ring, a ring she wore for 17 years after her mother was murdered by her father. A year after she lost it at work, it reappeared on a bough of the company Christmas tree.
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1 Sản Phẩm
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Tác giả
  • Amy Newmark
Nhà Xuất Bản
  • Simon & Schuster
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