The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

319,000 đ
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Phương Nam Online
Từ nhà sách đầu tiên năm 1982, Nhà Sách Phương Nam đã trở thành hệ thống nhà sách uy t...

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

In this generation-defining self-help guide, a superstar blogger cuts through the crap to show us how to stop trying to be "positive" all the time so that we can truly become better, happier people.

For decades, we’ve been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. "F*ck positivity," Mark Manson says. "Let’s be honest, shit is f*cked and we have to live with it." In his wildly popular Internet blog, Manson doesn’t sugarcoat or equivocate. He tells it like it is—a dose of raw, refreshing, honest truth that is sorely lacking today. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is his antidote to the coddling, let’s-all-feel-good mindset that has infected American society and spoiled a generation, rewarding them with gold medals just for showing up.

Manson makes the argument, backed both by academic research and well-timed poop jokes, that improving our lives hinges not on our ability to turn lemons into lemonade, but on learning to stomach lemons better. Human beings are flawed and limited—"not everybody can be extraordinary, there are winners and losers in society, and some of it is not fair or your fault." Manson advises us to get to know our limitations and accept them. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek.

There are only so many things we can give a f*ck about so we need to figure out which ones really matter, Manson makes clear. While money is nice, caring about what you do with your life is better, because true wealth is about experience. A much-needed grab-you-by-the-shoulders-and-look-you-in-the-eye moment of real-talk, filled with entertaining stories and profane, ruthless humor, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck is a refreshing slap for a generation to help them lead contented, grounded lives.

Loại sản phẩm
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Kích thước
14 x 21 cm
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Tác giả
  • Mark Manson
Nhà Xuất Bản
  • Harper Collins
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It's not as douchey as the title would have you think, and it's very entertaining. There's a lot of cross-over with Carl Sagan's The Demon-Haunted World, surprisingly. A lot of good advice for those, like me, who over-stress themselves about mostly nothing at all. I really loved it; I'll probably circle back to it a few more times in the future.

While it sounds like an obvious gimmick, this book is a very well-written, deeply thought-out take on the perils of modern living. We can only care about so much and most of us tend to waste that limited reservoir of "giving a f---" on the trivial, mundane, and shallow. How much better, then, would our lives be if we reserved that energy and focus for the things that truly matter?

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