Peace Of Mind: Becoming Fully Present

Peace of Mind: Becoming Fully Present
In Peace of Mind, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh reminds us that integrating body and mind is the only way to feel truly alive in each moment. Bringing together ancient wisdom and contemporary thinking on the subject of mindfulness, Peace of Mind is a deceptively simple book which provides a practical foundation for understanding the principles of mind/body awareness. As it introduces critical tools for sustaining authentic wellbeing, it helps us to take control of our lives, de-stress and find peace and happiness in this frantic world.
About the Author
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese Buddhist Zen Master, poet, scholar and peace activist. During the Vietnam War his work for peace and reconciliation moved Martin Luther King Jr to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1967. He founded the Van Hanh Buddhist University in Saigon and the School of Youth for Social Service. He was exiled as a result of his work for peace but continued his activism, rescuing boat people and helping to resettle Vietnamese refugees. He has written more than 100 books, which have sold millions of copies around the world. He now lives in France where he has founded a Buddhist community and meditation centre.
- Thích Nhất Hạnh